Cool naa? Haha I know. And then, I immediately sent a response email. And rightfully said, within 24 hours, I received an email.
WOOHOO!! I made it!!! It was a hard work to win this I tell ya. I spent hours on SEACHANGE Facebook page to win this. Well, earlier, there were few contests we had to take part in if we wanted to win this. I guess I won the Garry Kasparov challenge on FB. ;DD Seriously, I can't wait for next month. Finally, I got the free pass to YES 2009 I'd been relentlessly promoting!! XD Check out my name below! (NO. 92)
SEACHANGE is actually a movement for youth in the Southeast Asian region who wants to make changes to the world. SEACHANGE is an ongoing movement connecting Southeast Asian Youths to projects, organizations, businesses, and leaders who can help them with the change they want to see! It's complicated but you have to go check the website yourself. Here's the link. (Again, I'm promoting here. ;P)
The people you see up here are gonna be the speakers in the summit. I don't know how to explain this, but what's for sure, you'll be motivated and inspired by their talks and this is the first step to bring changes whether to your personal life, to the society, or even to the whole world.
The best part is, when you win a trip to YES 2009, your flight, hotel, and summit pass worth USD2,500 will be paid for. And the amount is equivalent to RM 8,500!! =O Can you believe that? But yes that of course includes the flight tickets and all. ;) But just imagine. It's very expensive to get that one pass. But now, everything is paid for you!! Yay!!!
I'll let you in on a secret (which, of course is a secret no more once you know this. haha ;D). My next semester starts on Nov. 15th. And this event will take place on Nov. 16th - Nov. 17th at the PICC. Other participants will arrive on the day I register for my college. I'm not sure if we will start lessons the next day or not. Or another possibility is, another "get-to-know-your-university" activities. Haha. But I'll make sure I'll attend the summit. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!! Oh yea!! Pray for me so that everything will work out as I wish!! Amin.. ;)
Alright, time's up. Now, it's time for some movies. ;DDD
p/s: I'm really hoping for the best for my next semester so that my dreams will come true, my wishes will be granted, and my prayers will be answered. ;) Amin...
Signing off,
3 mind(s) swirling:
how to increase my chances of winning??i want to go there too but no luck...
any tips for me??
sorry for the late reply. kalau nak menang kena ikut je instructions die. :)
da wat..tpi tak dpt2 gak.
awk buat ape ??promote kt blog je kee
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