Thursday, September 17, 2009

In Search Of Self

Being born on the 21st day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life. The energy of 3 allows you bounce back ra...pidly from setbacks, physical or mental. There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, sometimes could not care less attitude. You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression. Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing. You are energetic and always a good conversationalist. You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters. Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about. You are affectionate and loving, but very sensitive. You are subject to rapid ups and downs.


You are most compatible with LEO! I'm sure most of your friends are Leos! Together you're going to rock! Proud, fiery and determined, the subjects of this cat sign are always a bit larger than life. They are ambitious, courageous, dominant, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident! There is no such a word as doubt in their vocabularies, and they are self-controlled. Leos love to be noticed, admired, and adored. Extremely lazy and good-natured, it is often quite difficult for Leos to make an effort to assert themselves. Leos are loyal, likable, and often quite lovely people, but they can also be self-indulgent, stubborn, and prone to sulking if they don't get their own way.They are warm, demonstrative, and theatrical and love pageantry, blitz and glamour. They love adornment of their physical self. When Leos commit themselves to something they go with it for life.


You love the crowd... a party animal! Too many “friends”, you can’t easily tell which among them is real and not...

You’re usually expressive... Open about your emotions and most of the time willing to talk about it.

You search for love... you’re a hopeless romantic and every time you enter a relationship, you give your all and believe “this is the One.”

You appreciate simple things in life... You hate complicating things that’s why you’re typically up-front in any aspect.

You’re a stubborn sweetheart... You “love” him/her only because he/she loves you. If his/her flame puts out, you let go with no trouble.

You’re intimidating! People have an impression that you’re elite—or if not, you simply look sophisticated. You gain praises but not companions.

You love actions... with the hero-like taste! You focus on your strengths and use them to protect persons/things that are important to you.


You live life to the fullest and don't worry about tomorrow. You like to be as independent as possible. You confront obstacles in life by giving your best. You are a beautiful person. You are fun to be with. Someone will fall in love with you for the intimacy and affection you tend to show.

Signing off,

0 mind(s) swirling: