Friday, May 15, 2009

When The Clock Strikes 3

Many many felicitation to you guys! For securing the MARA scholarship!

Especially to these gals (those I know at the moment) - MIN, DILA, AINZU, TKAPAD

Wow, how does it feel being a MARA scholar? Even for barely around 2 hours as of now? You guys are just SO DAMN LUCKY to get the scholarship. No doubt you did work hard for this. You guys deserve it.

All four of them get to read Medic. Congrats, gals!

Not forgotten for VALOURians who are now JPA scholars, congrats too!

MADY, ON, AMORE, BEDAH, FARHAH, EMA, CHOY, and others. (JIA made up her mind to stick with PETRONAS)

Sorry if I missed out any names here. These people are the only that I know.

And my special special friend; AZ! A Bank Negara scholar who is currently in KYUEM. Miss you, AZ! (Kem salam Aisyah ;D)


A piece of advice to those who didn't manage or perhaps I would say failed to get MARA scholarship, look at the bright side. Like me. Okay peeps, the truth is, I am one of those rejected for PILN. Not only by JPA, but also by PETRONAS.

Two rejections in one single night. You think how was I feeling at that point of time? I didn't put too much hope for JPA, because I screwed up myself during the interview, hahah. Well, I think so. But I did hope for PETRONAS, because that was the first time I put up my very best performance I would say for all the interviews I'd attended so far.


Sorry, have to delete this part.

7 mind(s) swirling:

farzanaf said...

cm pasrah sgt je ayt nh.
asal la ko rajen sgt bace post2 lame aku uh.

♥darina♫ said...

hahah. ye r. neh mmg ayat pasrah pon.
nk nyedapkan ati aq.
kene study smart la from now onwards.
aq nk g overc gak.

hahah. aq mmg ske bace orgnye blog from the beginning lor

Anonymous said...

hey,i read tis already,
gve me another spirit,
need to focus n
struggle frm now on!

atika said...

thnks dorin
rilex la weh
kalo ade rezeki x ke mane :)

♥darina♫ said...

tu aq takot tuh.
klw dh tw ade rezki ley la rileks.
neh klw ceni mane xnye aq mati idop balek mati idop balek.

aq takot nk pk psl rezeki2 neh.

az said...

relax doreen.rak pat wat degree pun, ko ley struggle master or phd overc...kan2?
wehh,aku baru tau nama aku ada kat post ni.highlighted lg...thanxthanx!sayang koooo

♥darina♫ said...

no az. aq klw ley nk try gak so that aq dpt wat degree ovc. no matter what. t aq join ko kt uk eh. ;D